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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Fly me home

So, I have a LOT of posts to do because we've done and seen a lot of cool things over the past 3-4 weeks, but we'll see how much I can get done. On Monday we move into our house and we'll not only be without internet for a little bit, but we'll be unpacking and getting our house set up! So exciting!!

First post is dedicated to some travel pictures. You will see the main guest is our two iPads that have made this transition bearable. The boys can play for hours and that came in handy for long plane rides, long house hunting trips and long car rides!

Here's the boys on the plane from Seoul to San Francisco.
Cade is watching the Hulk movie.

Alex playing temple run, one of the boys' favorite games.

Dan likes taking self shots :)

I just love this picture of the boys sleeping. After a long flight and a long day at the San Francisco airport, we got bumped from our flight (grrrr) and they put us up in a hotel. It wasn't long before these boys were out!

Yoshi is all buckled up for the shuttle back to the airport!
And for a few pictures from our flight into Colorado. I was sitting somewhere else with Cade and didn't think to snap any pictures, but Dan got some cute ones of Alex.

After this traveling adventure we didn't realize how much more of an adventure we were in for before starting school and getting into our house!!

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