Today, however, isn't just like any other day. It's Cade's 14th birthday! Before all of this stuff happened Cade was excited for his birthday because for the first time in a few years both parents would be home, AND it was his year to have a party. He was excited to do a BBQ and an outdoor hangout with his friends. However Covid-19 had other plans and we will have to save that outdoor celebration for another time. Instead we are letting him take a break from our routine and cater our meals and activities for the day to things of his choosing. We've had the traditional cinnamon rolls for breakfast, presents, guitar hero, riding bikes, and making his favorite dinner- kielbasa and noodles.
I always make them a birthday shirt, but this year needed a special statement, lol.
He loves using the website MuseScore to find arrangements of pieces, so as a gift he got a year subscription to their Pro services!
Smelling his mints...
I caught a smile!
Using his new wireless earbuds
His favoritest dinner ever...

And for a last minute surprise I ordered this awesome cookie cake from our local Great American Cookie company. Cade totally wasn't expecting it, he had requested a pazookie. I thought we needed something to commemorate this unique birthday, and support local businesses!
It turned out awesome, don't you think??
Little did we know this would be our last time playing disc golf until they open the courses back up. We brought the puppy with us this time!
With a new month brought April Fool's Day! The kids had way too much fun planning pranks on us. Thankfully I've scared them enough that they didn't attempt anything that wouldn't leave us more upset than laughing. First were some cascarrones (confetti filled eggs) that Alex crushed on us.
Painters tape on Dan's wallet, our light switches, and even in our lamp shades to create bug silhouettes! They even put food coloring in our toilet.
We did a few pranks to the boys as well, including tying their doors together so they couldn't get out of their rooms. (Don't worry, we did this about 5 minutes before they were supposed to get up).
And this is what I found when I got in my car and hit the Reverse and my rear camera popped up. Good prank alex!
I finished another puzzle, with Alex's help, and started another!
Now here's how we have to do disc golf!
A cute Carson moment caught on camera. We sure do love our puppy!
We also spent Saturday and Sunday listening to General Conference. There were a lot of nice moments that were a source of strength during these unprecedented times in our history. And even though we had just done a worldwide fast as a church on March 29th, the prophet called for a second fast on Good Friday, April 10 for further healing and help for our world. We certainly need it! Feel free to join in, no matter your faith!
Well Happy 14th Birthday Cade! I loved that instead of sending you away to school and rushing through activities, that I got to spend the whole day with you. I know that's not necessarily what you wanted for your birthday, but we'll get you that party as soon as possible!
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