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Tuesday, April 19, 2016

I love my job!

I haven't posted much about my job! I started working full time at the beginning of this school year, and it's been one wild ride. My priorities have shifted because there were times when there was just so much going on that I couldn't keep all the balls from dropping. I still wouldn't trade this experience for anything.

My day (and the kids) starts at 5:30, showering and getting myself ready, and then downstairs to eat, pack our lunches and get out the door. Some mornings this goes perfectly smoothly, other days there's a whole lot of arguing and prodding of children going on.

I drop them off at a friend's house who then takes them the rest of the way to school. She has been a lifesaver, let me tell you! See, I have to be there about 7, and their school doesn't start until 8, but is on the other side of town.

Then I head into work! I work in the same office as the choir director, Scott, and he is a blast to work with. These high school kids sure say and do some crazy stuff, so sometimes we just look at each other and laugh. My school has a block schedule so we have one set of classes one day, and then a different set of classes the next. This makes the classes about 90 minutes long. That's super long! It's great for music because you can really get a good rehearsal in, but for the majority of high school students it's just a tad too long for them to focus the whole class period.

There are 5 choirs, about 140 kids total. 3 of the choirs are girls only, and then 2 mixed choirs.

My daily tasks consist of dealing with uniforms, fundraisers, deposits for the department, accompanying the choirs, working with kids during their advisory period to prep them for things like all-state auditions and solos, and other office work like copying music, permission slips, day trips and things like that.

I have loved working with the kids! There's a gang of kids that are always hanging around and they work hard and have a lot of fun together.

I finish at 3:10 and head home just in time for my friend to bring the kids home from school. I taught piano lessons the first semester and quickly realized I just could not do it all, so I am no longer teaching piano lessons except for Cade and Alex. This has allowed me a little more family time, a little more meal prep time, and a little more me time.

So despite the crazy schedules, messy house, and simple dinners, it has been such a great experience to work in the schools. I hope I can use this experience again in the near future, but who knows what the next duty stations bring for me in that way!

Here's a few pics and videos :)

Sometimes the kids just start singing in the office! Lucky me!

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