Here's a recap of our holiday season from 2014!
We drove to Utah and stayed with the Robert McBride family. We gathered together with LOTS of McBrides for a wonderful feast. Dan smoked a turkey on his Traeger and it turned out super yummy, just cooked faster than we anticipated. We had the Newton family, Kristina McBride family, Papa Jon and Nana Dee, Jon McBride family, Phillip McBride family, Cobb family, our family, and a Barrow kid as well! It was a lot of people in a small space, but we always make it work. Lots of games were played, food eaten, I learned to make tamales and the cousins had tons of fun playing together. Unfortunately the flu that soon ravaged most of the country started to make it's appearance with Alex on Thanksgiving night and by the end of two weeks at least 2 people from every family that was present ended up with some sort of flu.
Since we had just done a Disneyland trip and a Utah trip, we stayed home for Christmas, which is really the way I prefer it anyways.
Temple trips
A fantastic opportunity to see our friend Chad play in the pit for How The Grinch Stole Christmas
Making gingerbread houses with the Bennetts!
New Christmas PJs that I altered a bit with my Silhouette
The annual Christmas cookie decorating party!
My mom and brother came down for Christmas, and we started a new tradition, The Christmas Eve box. It included slippers, popcorn and a Christmas movie. We didn't quite make it through the movie as Cade wasn't feeling well and we were all tired.
Christmas morning was fun!
Cinnamon rolls and silly straw glasses!
Dan got me the AWESOMEST gift, and handmade set of Matroyshka dolls to represent our family!
Christmas day we invited a ton of people over for a feast and games. It was a little crazy, but we love entertaining and having lots of people over.
New Years:
Not my favoritest of holidays, but we're so glad to have the Bennetts to hang out with and make it fun! We played pass the pigs, Super Smash Bros, Minute to Win it games, Mario Kart, ate a bunch of finger foods, and did some little confetti fireworks at 10:00pm. Yup, we're those kind of New Year's people, lol!

There you have it! Now maybe I'll catch up with the rest of life :)
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