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Thursday, January 3, 2013

It's a new dawn, it's a new day

To make resolutions or to not make resolutions? I mean, don't we just come up with resolutions at this time of year because we've been so busy eating sweets for the past two months?

Still I always find myself pondering what the next year will bring, and wonder what I can do to make it a good one. I suppose it's a natural inclination, and nothing to guffaw at others for doing. There's nothing wrong with wanting to make a change or to do something better.

So here are my jumbled thoughts about the prospect of 2013;

My sister picked a word of the year that suited her goals- home. For me, I think my word for 2013 would be 'stability'.  2012 was a year of much change, moving from Korea to Colorado, and adjusting to life here. Little did we know that the adjustment would bring about some major tantrums in our 6 year old Cade. We had started seeking help in Korea, but the resources just weren't available there. Now that we were back in the US we knew it was time to get the ball rolling again. After months of doctor visits and paperwork, the end diagnosis is Asperger's. While the diagnosis is not a shock to us, we are still in a period of letting the official-ness of it sink in. This is where my word of the year comes in. Stability. Cade needs stability and we truly believe the therapy that he will be able to receive as a result of the diagnosis will provide this. Mom and Dad need it too. I look forward to helping him cope better in this world.

Another idea I've seen is more of a bucket list approach to your resolutions. I like this because it doesn't have to be goal oriented, just something you want to do this year! I've been thinking a lot about my bucket list for 2013 and I'll be sure to post it!

It's true what they say about time; All you have to do is to decide what to do with the time given to you.

Happy New Year!


  1. Love to hear your deep thoughts on all this. My prayers.

  2. Stability is a great word for 2013, Laura. Good luck to you and your family. I didn't know that Cade had Asbergers. Glad you were able to get some help and answers. :) Happy new year, McBrides!
