The boys enjoy hiking too, but mostly for exploring and climbing, not to make it through a long trail like me.
These pics are from the Templeton Trail in Palmer Park:
These pics are from Red Rock Open Space- which re-opened 4th of July weekend after all the rain damage.
Temple Trip
The Primary had a temple trip to show the kids the temple grounds and talk about the importance of being able to go there when they're older. It brought me back to when the Denver temple was dedicated and my Dad took some pictures with us as we promised to get married in the temple someday. I pulled my kids aside from the group and shared this memory with them and talked to them about marriage for eternity and how much we value it. Then I took their pictures and I hope they'll remember how they felt that day at the temple.
What's summer time without some movies? We've seen Avengers, Inside Out, Jurassic World and Minions!
It wouldn't be a true Colorado summer without some crazy weather! We've had some pretty intense storms this year along with a lot of rain. Remember, without the rain, we can't have rainbows!
Jumping on the trampoline in the rain:
And lastly, we were so glad to be able to celebrate a few awesome things in our family. My mom had been out of work since Valentine's Day and she found a new job! Also Kevin was hired full-time at his job which meant no more long days at two jobs and FedEx for him! We got together at Casa Bonita to celebrate!